Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

If you act like you have 15 minutes... will take you all day. But if you act like you have all day it will take you 15 minutes. 

So said Monty Roberts. 

And I find it ever so true, especially when it comes to horses. Sometimes you lose patience and want whatever you are trying to do to be over with and that's usually when it takes forever. It happens to me a lot and I repeat that sentence in my head over and over again to calm down. 

Below is a video I made from very long footages of me working with a 2 year old mare who had almost never been handled. I worked with her every morning over several weeks, initially just getting her to get used to me, to the harness, and then eventually saddling her and riding her. In a way it took a long time to succeed but if you think that riding a horse goes against every single of its surviving instinct, the whole process was actually incredibly fast. 


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