Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

In 2019 I was officially diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS or PCOD), something that I have, in fact, been suffering from for several years. PCOS is a so-called lifestyle disease which does not have any efficient medical treatment except - you've guessed it - a lifestyle change. 

As part of these lifestyle changes, I have had to make a lot of changes in terms of what I eat with a focus on home-made food that is vegan and cooked with no oil. 

It seemed insurmountable at first (especially for someone like me who can't cook to save her life) but I am very lucky that Manjeev took it upon himself to adapt his cooking and take all this into account. 

As a result, we eat DELICIOUS food at home (and with friends) and neither of us miss the old stuff we used to eat. 

We're sharing these recipes here for those of you who are also looking for a more sustainable diet, but who still want to ENJOY their food! 

PS - At the time of writing we have no oven/microwave, no toaster and limited access to non-Indian food (which happens to be very expensive here) so you'll find that most of these recipes are designed to be easy and can all be done on a burner. 



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