Vegan & Oil-free Recipes


This is how I look every day of the week, if you're wondering 

Welcome to my blog, a small (and sometimes erratic) window into the life of Charlotte, a Franco-Anglo-Dutch madwoman and her wonderfully brave Indian husband. As of right now (June 2019) we live in Gurgaon, India but if it's been more than 24 hours we may have moved, with our herd of horses, dogs and cats to the other side of the world. One never knows, really, and we are always prepared (not).

These are our adventures in India and wherever else our lives takes us as we continue on our goal to one day own a farm in a beautiful place with loads of horses and dogs and any other animal that decides to come our way.

In the meanwhile, we continue to build our natural horsemanship centre, brave the heat, the pollution and the puppies chewing up the apartment. Because we never, ever learn. 


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