Herding bulls & lambs
The highlight of staying on a bull and lamb farm is that we get to herd them once in a while. There are fences all over the place, in an attempt to separate and segregate everyone but the animals don’t care about the fences and run into/under them. The result is that everyone is with everyone all over the place. A few days ago we herded the lambs and today was the bulls’ turn. Three of us are on horse back while Dan goes on foot with his very efficient shepherd dog, Delta. We separate to each corner of the farm before meeting up again with whatever we managed to gather along the way. It can be tricky because the farm is hilly and it’s easy for a single animal to hide, especially the lambs. Luckily as they tend to be herd animals they don’t like to be left alone and usually end of catching up with the group. The bulls are challenging because they think anytime is a good time to fight so while you are trying to get them on the move some of them are ignoring you completely and just fighting. Ah, boys will be boys.
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