Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

The king of the house

One of the best things about having pets, and lots of them, is to discover their personalities and how different they are from each other. A few years ago I would not have been very interested in knowing that cats, for instance, have personalities very different from each other. In my mind, a cat was a cat.

When you are lucky enough to get them as babies and see them grow this personality of theirs feels all the more acute and prominent. When they come home my guests probably don't think that Cookie is a bit of a diva while Leo is a real cry baby. It's only when they stay for a few days that it starts coming through.

Cats, by their elusive nature, are even more difficult to figure out. Take our two cats for example, they look so similar that most visitors don't realize there's actually two of them. But in reality they are as different as night and day. And Moti, here, with his black nose, is a real boy's boy who loves to explore outside. He's a confident and friendly cat. These days we have to keep him inside so he just parades around the flat. Moti, the king.


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