Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Bishan dog run

In my efforts to socialize the dogs as much as possible I go every Sunday with Palo for Basic Obedience classes in Bishan park. There's about 8 dogs, all are 'Singapore specials' (mongrels) except for one Poodle and it's a very nice atmosphere. First, I think we feel united in our feeling that it is better to adopt and that mongrels are at least as nice, if not more, than the breed dogs.

The first class was last week and I deliberately got there a little early so to have time to take Palo in the dog run, which is an enclosed area where dogs can be left off leash. On Sundays afternoon it was of course pretty crowded and Palo hid for the entire time (see pic above). During the class, when we were all sitting on the grass under the shade of a big tree, he was anxiously leaning against me. This time, he was a little braver in the dog run, he almost (kinda) socialized with one friendly and very determined little guy who followed Palo around. Just look at these two guys, it made me laugh. That dog really was determined.

It's taking time for Palo to build trust and confidence but I can see a difference. He's shying away less and letting others get closer. Can't wait to see how it goes next week!


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