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The Argentinian Open Final

a full stadium

Yesterday, we had the immense luck and privilege to watch the final of the Argentine Polo Open live from the stands in Palermo, Buenos Aires. The Argentine Open is basically where you see the best polo players in the world playing against each other and the final, as you can imagine is la creme de la creme. 

The two teams were La Dolfina and Ellerstina. Adolfo Cambiaso, by far the best player in the world, plays for La Dolfina. Cambiaso is a polo prodigy. He has been a 10 goaler (the highest level achievable in polo) for 23 years! At 19, he was the youngest player to become a 10 goaler and today, at 42 years old, he is still peaking. The second best player in the world is Facundo Pieres. Facu, as he is known, plays for Ellerstina. He is ‘only’ 29 years old but is an extraordinary player. Cambiaso is very recognisable with his helmet sporting the Argentinian flag while Facu wears a bright purple helmet. 

There are two things, well actually three, that really surprised me during the match. 

First, the stadium was completely packed: 40,000 people came to watch polo!

Second, during the chukkas the stadium was completely quiet. I mean, it was so quiet that we could hear the players shout to each other (saying not very nice things I imagine). When the chukkas ended spectators started talking to each other again but they shut up every time time a new chukka began. The only time people cheered was when there was a goal or when a player did a spectacular move - which in all fairness there was plenty of. 

Third, unlike other matches where the audience visibly supports one team over the other here it felt as though people were equally happy every time both sides scored. Most people - including us - expected La Dolfina and Cambiaso to win but they were also delighted to see the other team do well. In the end, La Dolfina won by one tiny little goal: 13 to 12. 

The Argentine professional players with whom we went said this was the best finale they had seen in years (it takes place every year and they go every year). As a result, 40,000 people then went to the bar to celebrate!

What an incredible day!

Facu and his purple helmet

the gauchos running the horses

at the end of match when we all walked onto the grounds

many people dressed up for the occasion

kids practicing stick and ball...the next Cambiaso?

the score board: 12-13 in favour of La Dolfina

prize giving with both teams on the stadium


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