Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

A rainy sunday at home

I love grey and rainy Sundays and this morning I was really spoilt with rain. I just had time to walk Cookie and Palo before it started pouring. Luckily I have a waterproof poncho and wellington boots (with a sexy leopard print - might I add) so I was well equipped.

When I stepped out with Leo, I heard Cookie and Palo start crying. This time I was a little better prepared. I walked back into the house, walked to the end of the living room and walked straight back out with Leo. I waited a few minutes outside and repeated the exercise. I did this about 5 times in total. By the fifth time they weren't crying anymore. Then I did the same exercise taking just Palo out. I didn't hear any cry (just Leo scratching the door a little bit) and then with Cookie. By then, when I walked back in they weren't behind the door anymore. I think they were pretty confused by the whole thing but I just can't afford to have howling dogs when I leave or when I split the pack. I will repeat the exercise a few times again today.

After a few minutes everyone settled back in and we could enjoy our rainy Sunday in peace at home. Here's a little insight into what this looks like. Everyone minding their own business except Palo who decided to play predator and prey with Moti, the poor cat.


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