An Indian standoff
Anyone who has been in India - even only once - will tell you that you see a lot of funny things. Back when I used to live in Delhi I loved my commute to work because every day I would see something strange and every day it would be something different. Whether it was a camel, an elephant (in the middle of the capital, mind you) or strange behaviour. Udaipur, albeit a much, much smaller city, is no exception to the rule that India is Incredible.
That morning, while we were walking to the farm we bumped into a farmer herding his buffaloes. Now, this is something absolutely normal around here. The farmer asked us to wait because one buffalo had decided to walk straight off instead of turning left into the field with his mates. The CHEEK!
This is what happened next.
Instead of chasing the said buffalo, the farmer waited patiently for him to come back of his own accord. I must add that he was saying something along the lines 'I suggest you come back if you don't want to get a whack'. Perhaps in less polite terms.
After hesitating for a while, the buffalo decided it would probably be safer with his mates. He slowly made his way back. Meanwhile, the farmer was up to something.
The buffalo almost made it to the field.
He walked into the field and to no one's surprise the farmer still gave him a whack.
Whether the buffalo will trust the farmer next time is still unclear but there is an Indian saying that 'if you don't have a moustache you are nothing' and that guy certainly had a big one. CQFD.
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