The week in photos
It's funny that I should be attracted to farm life so much.
When I was 15 years old I had to chose my first internship ever as part of the French school curriculum. Most (actually all) of my friends chose an office in town, often one of their parent's office. I, on the other hand, for some reason I can't fathom, chose to go and work on a farm where I had been going riding on summer camps for years. My thinking, I guess, was that I would be able to ride all day and pretend I was doing an internship.
What I didn't know was that the horses were all let out during the winter. (Of course, the internship was in November). This meant there was not one horse in sight. Nope, during winter the farm was a beet farm. I had to get up before sunrise in a miserable cold and wet weather to go dig out some beet.
I can't say for sure whether I liked it at the time but I do have fond memories of these moments. I remember the red dog that thought he was a cat and always wanted to curl on my laps. I remember the friendly guys working on the farm. They were rough but we managed to make these long tough days fun.
In the past few months, we have spent a lot of time living on farms. It has really been a great experience. I still can't say whether I would actually to live on my OWN farm (it's a hell of a lot of responsibilities) but for the meanwhile I am very working on someone else's farm.
where food is cooked and tea is made, from wood fire
julie, the alsasian, deciding whether she will pounce on that baby squirrel
(she did but she missed)
the alpha lemur making a point, something along the lines 'b***** off!
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