Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Take a walk on the wild side

That’s it, we have officially moved to Udaipur, for the time being at least. (We will be here until the end of November.) As you might know if you’ve been reading our blog, we’ve been coming a fair bit to Udaipur in the past few years. It’s one of my favourite cities in the world and I feel very lucky to be able to experience what it feels like to live here. I also always wanted to experience living in a smaller city so that’s a plus!

We are settled comfortably on a hill with a view over the whole city and several of it’s seven lakes (photo above). From here we can see everything but we don’t hear anything, it's paradise! The dogs are enjoying the peace too. 

So far, the best perk has been to be able to go for long walks early morning around the lake. I can’t get over how beautiful it is. I mean, look at this place.

who knew stagnant water could be so pretty?

lady long legs (not sure what the bird's actual name is)

a herd of street dogs to keep us company along the way

sun rise

leo and manjeev having a moment

the garden of pink lotuses


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