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Mozambique - the last few days

I can’t believe our time in Mozambique has come to an end. It has gone by so quickly while at the same it does feel like we have been here for a very long time (in a good way). 

Here are some last pictures before we move on to our next adventure. 

a bit of a failed photo, but the surroundings were amazing (known as the red sand dunes)

a slightly better photo taken in the same spot as above

Manjeev & Three Spots the Jack Russell. 
Particularity: very long nails and loves to jump on people, tearing them apart in the process

clipping Juice, one of the 6 horses we picked up from a resort that couldn't handle their horses anymore 

walking one of the new horses (from the resort that couldn't manage them). 
i ended up being kicked in the knee by that horse, a good reminder one can never be too careful (or confident) around horses

the way down from the stables to the beach

beach ride, tide half way up

taking my boots off

because it's so much more fun to ride barefoot

view from archipelago lodge

archipelago lodge, sunset

relaxing after a ride

not sure what this is, but it's very pretty nonetheless

walking for miles during low tide

bye bye mozambique, Pat and Mandy 
thanks for everything!

For more information about volunteering with Mozambique Horse Safari:


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