Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Love at first sight

As strange as it may sound to many, I have never owned a horse. This is mainly on part of my mother’s good judgement of the huge responsibility involved when you do own a horse (especially when it falls sick, as the saying goes) and in part because in my adult life the circumstances have never been right for that to happen. 

The circumstances are not right, right now, either but the difference (problem?) is that I have found a horse that I like very very very much. This story goes back a while, probably 5 or 6 years ago when I used to ride a stallion called Chandra every time I came to ride in Udaipur. Chandra, although from a great lineage, was not a very good looking horse, but a fantastic one to ride. Sadly, he died a few years ago from colic. He also suffered from ‘air sucking’ which is a weird thing whereby a horse swallow air. (Unlike us, horses only breath through the nose, not through the mouth). This causes the stomach to balloon and can be quite problematic. 

Cutting a long story short, the fellow below is Chandra’s son. He’s three years old and a stallion. Isn’t he a beauty? He’s still a little young to ride full time but soon, very soon...


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