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Kickstarting Manjeev Natural Horsemanship

It's official, Manjeev has set up his Natural Horsemanship business! He will have a centre at the Gurgaon Polo Club (GPEC) as well as do outstation work. 

Until the round pen at the GPEC is built he's been working at Friendices, an amazing NGO which has a sanctuary with hundreds of dogs, cows, donkeys and of course horses which were rescued from all over the place. The sanctuary has a few young horses that need training so he's been working with them, as well as to train the staff to handle horses. They are all very keen to learn how to ride and seem genuinely curious about these new methods. The NGO's vets are also very supportive and delighted to have people to help. 

Some of the pics from the last few sessions below: 

The Friendicoes Team! 


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