Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

A horsey Christmas

It's official, we are back in Delhi (well, Gurgaon to be precise). 

We had planned to arrive earlier in December but the logistics with the cats meant that we could only make it just before Christmas, which is also why we didn't go back home to celebrate. As sad as we were to be far from family (it's already my second Christmas away from home - not good) we managed to have a lot of fun by spending the day at the Gurgaon Polo & Equestrian Club. 

On the same day, we went to pick up our two dogs Palo and Cookie after several months of separation! The drive from the farm to the club was quite hectic, and involved the dogs getting pretty car sick....BUT we got there in the end. It was absolutely freezing cold and we were completely unprepared for a sudden 10C drop in temperature. 

I got to play a few chukkas, and both Cookie and Palo received a lot of attention from attendees who kept on asking us what breed they are. It' always fun to see people's reactions when we say they are original street dogs - desi dogs as we call them here. 

Sadly, you can see how polluted the air is. 

And of course the obligatory posing. 

Many thanks to Hemant for coming with us and taking all these great pics!


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