Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Lasagna night in Windsor

Clearly, the main advantage of living in Europe is to be close to friends and family. Although there are some friends (and family members) who can be tough to pin down (they would likely say the same about me), I have been able to catch up with a lot of very special people lately. 

Last weekend, my brother Tim came over. We had decided to surprise Manjeev and prepare dinner. Those who know me know I can’t cook to save my life but Tim is a really good cook and he was keen to try and make a lasagna. We went to the market and bought all the stuff we needed. We spent 5 minutes getting the ingredients and much longer debating which wines we should have. We almost forgot to buy a lasagna dish but we made it, in the end. 

We got back home, prepared the dishes etc. And then, the door of the apartment opens and in comes Manjeev who had decided to surprise us and come home early. So what had to happen happened, he ended up doing the lasagna himself. It was probably one of the nicest one’s we’ve had. We later found out that this was the first time ever he had made a lasagna…and he did not even look at a recipe once! Oh well…

the preparations...our only contribution to the meal

here comes the chef 

the cats joined the party


getting up the next morning was a little tough


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