Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Deer Park

Another rainy Sunday but this time I decided that regardless of the weather I should go out and explore the area. I set my mind on the Great Windsor park which is about 15 min walk from town. I often cycled by but since there is a huge 'NO CYCLES' sign at the entrance of the pathway I kept telling myself I must plan to come back as a pedestrian. So here I was. 

The grey and wet weather made the experience all the more powerful. In a place which is usually black with people, I was pretty much the only one walking around. 

What the pathway looks like from the start

And for once I was well equipped!

I was rather jealous of those riding by

Half way through the path you walk though a gate and enter Deer Park. A few minutes in and I got very excited when I spotted this guy, so much so that I stopped the only other passer by. She was not impressed, patiently explaining that there were plenty around and that I ought not to get excited about a single deer. 

Having said that, the deer was hanging out with a duck! 
Can you see its tiny head popping out of the grass on the right?

The view from the top of the hill 

And then of course I spotted a whole group of deers and understood what that lady had meant. 


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