Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

A stroll through Windsor

We’ve been living in Windsor for about 6 weeks now and it’s hard to deny that British weather is very wet. It’s equally hard to deny how absolutely gorgeous the little town of Windsor and its surroundings are. Every time I walk through the city centre and I see all the small shops and the town life in the shadow of the gigantic castle I am amazed how pretty this place is. 

It’s ironic that it should take a trip around the world to appreciate just how beautiful things are at home. Well, Windsor is not exactly home but it’s closer to home than I’ve been in…gosh… 7 years!

Several friends from London have come for a visit. It’s funny but most of them tell me the last time they were here was on a school trip to visit the castle when they were 13 years old. In many ways, it’s quite similar to the town in France where I grew up. There was a famous castle there too - although it had long been converted into a museum. 

The florist nearby

I'd forgotten how good the English are with flowers

Basic wear around here

This balcony is probably nicer to observe from the street than to sit on. 
Impressive none the less 

I didn't go very far with my MI6 application, maybe I stand a better chance there...?


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