Un dejeuner entre amis
We are approaching the end of our month in India as Manjeev’s shoulder gets better. He went to the hospital yesterday to get an x-ray done and he’s pretty much in the clear apart for a small crack that is still there. The doctor prescribed some vitamins and asked him to take care.
We have been hosted by some very special friends in Delhi who accepted to put up with us for a whole week before our next flight. I’ve known MA for 14 years now but in the past few years we haven’t had as much time as we would have liked to spend together. This week made up (in part) for the lost time, even though I ended up being sick for most of it and stayed in bed.
Delhi, like most of India, is going through a massive heat wave with over 1,000 people dead (that we know of, probably many, many more) as a result. A few days ago I was sitting in the rickshaw feeling sorry for myself because I was sick and hot. But then I saw a 3-year old boy walking on the tarmac barefoot, trying to sell roses to passers by. Some kids were sleeping under the midday sun on the divider. I really felt ridiculous for thinking even for one second that I had it bad. It really put things back into perspective.
As I lay in bed I felt all the more grateful for that wonderful husband of mine who tried all he could to come up with things I would eat, including some going out under 47C to get me frozen yogurt. I mean, I couldn’t ask for much more.
when we talk of simple pleasures, what else than home made pancakes?
the feats, plain pancakes, banana pancakes, fresh mango lassi and watermelon. did someone say holiday?
yeahhhh, vous allez nous manquer les loulous