Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Taking a step back

It's been four months since we moved back to India and almost one year since I started my own company. 

At this time last year, I had written down a list of promises to myself. I have a tendency to be a bit of a workaholic so I wanted to put in place a few safeguard measures to, y'know, give myself space to breathe. 

The list included things like: 
-take a proper lunch break
-never eat in front of the computer
-don't check emails first thing in the morning and last thing at night
-don't check emails in the middle of the night
-it's ok to take a few hours (dare I say a day?) to answer an email

Predictably, this did not last very long and before I knew it I was back into my old dirty habits. As I saw the situation degenerate, I decided to try and take action again. But this time, instead of just having yet another to do list (take a proper lunch break) I have been using another approach. 

I signed up for a course called 'Design a Simple Life' from No Side Bar. It's not really a course, but a daily email you get with thoughts and ideas. I am half way through, and I have realised the importance of protecting my time, my energy, my space etc. I won't go into too much details about it here, but suffice to say that I think I'm on the right track. I'm learning to take a step back and...breathe. 

Animals have a way to show you how to live. 
They know how to be in the moment, not care what anyone else is thinking, and spend hours doing, well, nothing really. 

On a different note, it is now VERY HOT in Delhi. We're approaching the 45C degrees. 
Here are the horses taking a big gulp of cool water. 
I won't lie, I really wanted to jump in the water trough. 


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