Our students - some more Monty Roberts stuff
Mariano was kind enough to assign a string of eight two year old stallions for us to work with and practice our Monty Roberts exercises. I haven’t had much experience with stallions and I keep on hearing how difficult they can be but these guys are very relaxed and very sweet. The first time we walked into the paddock they walked straight to us, sniffing and nudging. It was very cute. Every morning when I go into the coral to pick one of them there’s always two or three waiting at the gate. I don’t know why, but they seem rather keen.
It’s amazing to see how quickly they learn. The first day was quite hectic as they tried to figure what on earth we were asking them to do. A few days later and they had figured it out. We are talking of horses that have never been tacked or backed!
A great pleasure to work with these boys.
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