redesign your closet
I find closets boring. It's always a mess in there and I can never find anything which invariably makes me feel like I've got nothing to wear. But these days the closet is full of surprises, including one little fur ball that loves to nap there. She stays there whole day if no one disturbs her.
The downside though is that not only I still feel like I don't have much to wear but when I do find something it is often covered in white hair. The number of times I sleepily put something on, walked outside to realized I looked like I had rolled myself in, well, hair, before having to run back inside to change and hope I don't miss my bus.
The trick is (kind of a trick anyways) to keep the clothes you like least on top of the piles, these are often the biggest victims. But she also has her preferences and actively looks for specific garments. The woolen jumper, for example, is a favorite. Which is great because it's so easy to get the hair off. Not really.
But I'll still take this cutie pie face any day over non-covered in cat hair clothes.
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