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The masochism of expansion by Mark Groves


“You be you and let the world adjust."

Sometimes old versions of ourselves remind us of things we thought we had learned but haven’t fully integrated yet, as do the people around us.


It’s funny isn’t it? Every next level of us requires the mourning of what was. Every time we’re being asked to take it up a notch, we grieve the safety of what was. 

Change is hard. Staying the same is hard. Choose your hard.

There is both a peace and a pain that comes with expansion. Peace for accepting the mission and the invitation that is presented to us, and pain, because not only do we recognize our lives in hindsight through this new lens of awareness, but also we are often grieving how long we’ve allowed ourselves to stay in this pattern, this behaviour, this space of unmet potential.

"Can’t you see that it’s all perfect?” ~ Ram Dass


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