Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Summer files : Road trip to Rajasthan

On Thursday I realised that the following Monday was a Bank Holiday. This additional day of weekend felt like such a blessing we thought we ought to celebrate, and for us celebrating often means going on a car trip with the team. 

When you live in Delhi you usually go to the hills during the summer, to escape the boiling temperatures. You never, ever, ever go to Rajasthan, which is probably the hottest state in the country. But we completely forgot about this minor detail and headed there anyway. 

Although Marvs (the dog) loves to keep his head out of the window, we had to keep it closed for most of the day to keep the AC running and keep us alive. But he didn't mind too much, he slept throughout. We took a break in Udaipur to visit our good friend Dinesh as this farm and see the newborn horses, before taking the road again and heading back home. 

The trip involved a lot of highway food, including a ridiculously spicy mirchi wada (basically, pan fried chili) which made us cry in pain. But we were so determined to suffer we ate it twice, one on each leg of the trip. The chai (tea) stops are always ovely. We like to take a break at tiny shops and ask the lady there if she'll make food for us, which she invariably agrees to do. It tastes even better than road side shops. 

The dogs are super easy to travel with. Palo and Marv just sleep, and Kuki is the official co-pilot. She'll stand in the middle for 12 hours straight. Can't wait for the next one!



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