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A few days in Paris & preparing to be a bridesmaid

Thanks to my tremendous organisation I have successfully lost all the photos I wanted to use from my weekend in Paris, so I will make do with the ones I had planned *not* to use!

I went to Paris with the three brothers, with the aim of spending some time with Oma, our maternal grandmother, as well as with all our French (well not really French, but currently living in France) cousins, uncle and aunt. 

It was the first time ever that Oma and us four had a meal, just the five of us. It was very special. Among the many stories that Oma told us, she showed us her collection of silver spoons accumulated through years of travels. It was fun to guess where each spoon was from. My favourite (it shouldn't but I couldn't help it) was the cowboy doing some rodeo. 

Another first timer, all the cousins met together for one evening. (I say all but we were missing one - Claire). It's crazy to think that we are family but hardly see or speak to each other. This will have to change!

Now you see what I mean when I say I didn't want to use these photos. But since it's all I have left and I want to remember...shame I had to stuff myself with pasta right at that time. 

With Sultan's pet snake, Jean-Paul. He was really cute. 

This weekend was also special because we went shopping for bridesmaid dresses for MA's wedding. She has found bridesmaid, all of whom have a rather strong personality so it will be a mission to get everyone to agree on the same dress!

Another really bad photo of some really good times

We haven't yet decided on the dress. 


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