Vegan & Oil-free Recipes

Arabian night (mares)

We visited an Arabian stud farm in the appropriately named Happy Canyon. 

From what we were told, these were among the most prestigious Arabian horses as many of them had won very big prizes. 

In order to get the best gene pool but not to interrupt the competing life of the best mares they use surrogate mares to carry transplanted embryos. This is a practise which is become more and more common (especially in the polo world) but it was the first time I could clearly see that a foal was not genetically his dam’s baby because Arabians are so distinctly different from the thoroughbred used as surrogate mares. Neither horse knows better of course (from what one can tell, that is) and they behave exactly like normal healthy mare and foal would. 

a thoroughbred mare and her surrogate Arabian foal

We arrived in time for a demonstration of the stud’s best horses - some apparently world champions. 

the stud had big plans for this little guy - seen here with his surrogate dam

a young stallion who's already won a few prizes

this stallion is apparently world famous, 
I can't remember his name but he was mesmerising to watch 

but the highlight of the visit has to be these Arabian foal decorated cookies!


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