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A beautiful mess - Episode 15: A foggy end of the year

Welcome back you guys, it’s been a while since my last video. As the saying goes, no news is good news and all has been well on our front. Growing up, I’ve often heard that people tend to be more creative when they struggle. It might be true, but I also want to make sure we document our journey when things are going well too. The biggest development in the last few months is that we’ve had to separate Cookie and Marvin away from Sunderi and Scooby. After years or relatively peaceful cohabitation, Sunderi and Scooby have been attacking Cookie and Marvin. We tried to delay this segregation as much as we could, mainly because we strongly believed that, ideally, we want to be able to live together peacefully. But after several bad fights, and going to professional help, we accepted this new reality. We built a separate house and garden for Cookie and Marvin, which they immediately loved. And we take it in turns letting them roam around the farm, while we tie Sunderi and Scooby. This

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